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The Plan

Our world today faces serious challenges: war, poverty, hunger, population collapse, and the growing fear of artificial intelligence.

These are gigantic issues, but there are also a lot of exciting, new technologies developing right now, in front us, ready to solve these issues and unlock a incredible new way forward. This book describes an ambitious plan to harness them and upgrade humanity. Here it is in a nutshell.

First and foremost, we must adopt an antifragile mindset. Let’s embrace the inevitable messiness and turbulence of life and use it to grow. Think of a hydra: cut off a head, and two more grow.

Next, we harness the power of human-level intelligence and beyond. To do that, we must first redefine intelligence and pinpoint our understand of consciousness. Then apply an AI architecture that would be human-aligned, completely explainable & understandable, and affordBle to all. Only by doing those things, can we be ready to engineer AI & robots at least as capable as a human.

Let’s reimagine love. Maybe traditional models don’t quite fit everyone. Let’s destigmatize exploring different relationship structures, like polyamory or ethical non-monogamy (ENM). Also, let’s re-emphasize the core of relationships: honesty, communication, and vulnerability. The dizzying advancements of technology make human connections more important than ever.

Now, the next game-changer: karma socioeconomics. Imagine a system built on human-aligned AI and blockchain. The AI is transparent and explainable and works for everyone, not just a privileged few. Blockchain keeps things secure, and everyone’s on the same page. It sounds ambitious, but with the convergence of technology, it’s within humanity’s grasp.

The result? A world where hunger, poverty, and disease become relics of the past. War? It becomes a painful, distant memory.

convergence credit: ReThink documentary

RethinkX presents the idea of a convergence of factors that opens up a system to new possibilities. We can then apply the meeting of incredible, new technologies to upgrade our social and economic systems. While the series of factors I present come from varying disciplines, the convergence of these factors opens up an almost unbelievable new future for humanity!

Infinite growth will be possible and even encouraged. Human connection will thrive, and innovation will explode as every person becomes an Innovator. This would be a whole new era for humanity: one built on the power of diverse experiences and a drive to explore the unknown. Now that’s a future worth getting excited about. That’s the future I present to you here, but it all starts with setting the pieces on the board. We start first with upgrading our mindsets…

Why this would work


Part B: Road to antifragility