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“Either-or thinking kills the DREAM.” - Paul J Ebreo

DREAM BIG: A Framework for Transforming Aspiration into Reality

I have described solutions to very difficult and fundamental questions like consciousness, intelligence, and even a plan to bring our species into a new era.

One more thing… let me describe a framework we can all use to tackle challenges.

The acronym DREAM BIG serves as a powerful framework for transforming the seeds of aspiration into tangible realities. Each letter represents a distinct step on the journey from conception to culmination, guiding us towards achieving the seemingly impossible.

Define: The initial step lies in defining the dream itself. It requires clarity of purpose, a precise understanding of what we truly desire. This involves introspection, identifying the core values and aspirations that drive our ambitions. Whether it’s a personal goal, a scientific breakthrough, or a societal change, defining the dream sets the North Star that will guide our actions.

Re-imagine: Once the dream is defined, it’s time to re-imagine the possibilities. This involves challenging conventional thinking and exploring alternative approaches. It’s about pushing the boundaries of what we believe is feasible, questioning established norms, and embracing the potential for innovation. Re-imagining allows us to envision the dream not as a fixed destination, but as a fluid landscape of possibilities.

Excite: Excitement fuels the journey. It’s the emotional energy that propels us forward, providing the motivation to overcome obstacles and persist through challenges. Sharing the dream with others, igniting their enthusiasm, and fostering a sense of collective purpose can further amplify this excitement. This shared energy creates a powerful force, driving individuals and communities towards a common goal.

Act: Dreams become reality through action. It’s the translation of aspiration into concrete steps. This involves breaking down the dream into manageable tasks, formulating a plan, and taking the first step, however small. Action is the bridge between dreaming and doing, the catalyst that transforms potential into progress.

Manifest: Action leads to manifestation. As we diligently pursue our goals, the dream begins to take tangible form. This may involve creating prototypes, building structures, or simply witnessing the gradual unfolding of our efforts. Manifestation is the tangible evidence of our progress, a testament to the power of dedicated action.

Bridge People and Ideas: No dream is achieved in isolation. Collaboration is key to unlocking the full potential of any endeavor. Bridging people and ideas involves fostering connections, building networks, and leveraging the diverse strengths of individuals. It’s about recognizing that the sum is greater than its parts, and that collective action can achieve what individual efforts cannot.

Invent: Innovation is the lifeblood of progress. As we strive to manifest our dreams, we may encounter unforeseen challenges or limitations. This is where the spirit of invention comes into play. It’s about developing new solutions, adapting to changing circumstances, and constantly seeking ways to overcome obstacles. Invention ensures that our dreams remain dynamic and adaptable, capable of evolving alongside the ever-changing world.

Give: Ultimately, the true fulfillment of a dream lies in its contribution to the greater good. Giving back involves sharing the benefits of our achievements with others, whether it’s through knowledge, resources, or simply the inspiration of our example. It’s about recognizing the interconnectedness of our lives and acknowledging that our individual successes are enriched when shared with the wider community.

By embracing the spirit of DREAM BIG, we equip ourselves with the tools necessary to transform our aspirations into reality. It’s a framework that fosters clarity, ignites passion, and guides us through the process of turning our wildest dreams into tangible achievements, leaving a positive impact on the world around us.

Applying to life, love, and wealth

Topic Life Love Wealth
Define Population Collapse (rapid decline in global population) Epidemic of divorce AI taking jobs (automation replacing human labor)
Reimagine Social currency & monetary currency unified Polyamory and ethical non-monogamy no longer stigmatized AI that is completely explicable, understandable, scalable, and affordable to all
Excite Storytelling (books, movies, shows) Storytelling (books, movies, shows) with historical data (tables) Videos, tech talks, and tweets about responsible AI development
Act Find integrators to champion societal changes Seek professional help, educational material, and community Find integrators to advocate for responsible AI development
Manifest TBD (future actions) TBD (future actions) Proof of concept, prototype, startup, or company demonstrating positive AI impact
Bridge people and ideas Find integrators to support the movement Focus on communication & vulnerability Form relationships with rich & influential
Invent Use new AI & blockchain for infrastructure and transparency Upgrade to non-confrontational style of communication New socioeconomic system prioritizing social good, sustainability, and equitable resource distribution
Give Make AI tools and blockchain applications open-source Lead by example Open-source the new socioeconomic system and lead by example

Our future faces challenges across three key areas: population decline, changing relationship norms, and the impact of automation.

For population decline, a radical shift might be necessary. We could reimagine our economic system by unifying social value and monetary worth into a single currency. This could incentivize behaviors that contribute positively to society and potentially reverse the population decline trend.

Changing relationship norms present their own set of challenges. Divorce rates are rising, and perhaps a more accepting view of polyamory and ethical non-monogamy could be part of the solution. Storytelling through books, movies, and shows that explore these relationship styles in a positive light could help break down stigma and encourage open communication.

Finally, automation through AI is displacing jobs. Here, the key lies in creating a future where AI works for us, not against us. We need an upgrade. We need completely understandable and accessible AI for everyone. This could be achieved through a new paradigm which is spread by educational videos, tech talks, and social media campaigns promoting responsible AI development. Finding leaders who advocate for this responsible development is crucial.

Beyond these initial steps, there’s more to be done. We need to bridge the divides between people with different perspectives on these issues. For population decline and AI development, finding allies who share your concerns is essential. When it comes to changing relationship norms, the focus should be on open communication and building supportive communities.

This isn’t just about awareness, it’s about creating tangible solutions. New technologies like AI and blockchain could be harnessed to build a more transparent infrastructure. Even more ambitiously, we could invent a whole new socioeconomic system that prioritizes social good, sustainability, and equitable resource distribution. Making the tools and blueprints for these solutions open-source would allow everyone to contribute.

Finally, true leadership goes beyond words. Whether it’s advocating for societal change, practicing healthy relationships in a changing world, or promoting responsible AI development, leading by example is the most powerful way to inspire others and build a better future together.


The plan: For life, adopt antifragile mindset. understand consciousness & intelligence.

For love, destigmatize polyamory & enm

For wealth, build karma socioecomics using human-aligned AI & blockchain.

why it would work:

what would happen if it worked:

Note to editor, here is for audiobook equivalent of above instead of bullet points:

The goal is to tackle significant challenges and usher in a new era for humanity. The plan is two-pronged, addressing both life and love. On the life side, the approach is to cultivate an antifragile mindset and gain a deeper understanding of consciousness and intelligence. This will be aided by the development of human-aligned AI and blockchain technology, forming the foundation of a karma socioeconomics system. The success hinges on creating affordable, understandable, and explainable AI accessible to everyone. Additionally, blockchain technology will be secure and locked down.

For love, the focus is on destigmatizing polyamory and ethically non-monogamous relationships. Strong mental health and communication are seen as the bedrock of any relationship structure.

The convergence of these advancements, with everyone on board, has the potential to end hunger, poverty, disease, and war. Infinite growth that benefits humanity and fosters human connection would be encouraged and rewarded. This could lead to a future where everyone becomes an innovator, marking a new era for the human race.
