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GOATs rising


Maya clutched the worn handlebars of the rickety roller coaster, heart hammering a frantic rhythm against her ribs. Below, the twisted metal track snaked through the park, a steel serpent promising both terror and exhilaration. Her best friend, Kai, beside her, sported a wide, confident grin.

“Ready to dissect the G-forces later, science girl?” he teased.

Maya rolled her eyes. “Always. But that doesn’t mean I can’t enjoy the ride, does it?”

Their high school physics class had recently delved into gravity, its formulas and calculations etched into Maya’s mind. Yet, the intellectual understanding couldn’t diminish the primal fear bubbling in her stomach as the coaster lurched forward. The first climb, agonizingly slow, stretched out the anticipation. Then, the crest.

The world tilted on its axis. The wind roared, whipping through Maya’s hair as they plummeted down the first drop. Her stomach lurched, a freefall sensation that defied logic. But amidst the terror, a strange sense of awe blossomed. It was like peering behind the curtain of reality, witnessing the invisible force that held them to the earth, yet flung them weightless through the air.

Each twist and turn was a testament to physics in action. The loops, inverting their vision, were a demonstration of centripetal force. The tight corners, pinning them to their seats, showcased the effects of inertia. Yet, the science only amplified the experience. It wasn’t a sterile equation on a whiteboard; it was a living, breathing force orchestrating their wild ride.

As the coaster finally screeched to a halt, Maya emerged, legs wobbling, a wide grin splitting her face. Kai, a bit pale, but still chuckling, nudged her.

“So, anything new to report, Professor Gravity?”

Maya laughed. “Just that the thrill is all the sweeter when you understand the magic behind it.” They walked away, legs shaky but spirits soaring, a testament to the fact that science could illuminate the wonders of the world, not steal from them. The roller coaster ride, a symphony of physics, would forever be etched in Maya’s memory, a thrilling blend of science and pure, unadulterated fun.

Unveiling the Mystery Doesn’t Spoil the Magic

There is a fear, unjustified or not, that scientific understanding diminishes the richness of experience. Demystifying the world, the thinking goes, removes the wonder. On the other hand, an intellectual understanding of gravity—its force, its pull—doesn’t diminish the visceral thrill of the ride. In fact, it might even add to it. Now, both your emotions and intellect are stimulated.

Take the realm of consciousness itself. Does understanding the intricate networks of neurons firing in our brains diminish the mystery of human experience? Does it lessen the awe we feel gazing at a starry night sky or the heart-wrenching emotions evoked by a powerful piece of music?

What if I explain, without pretense or mysticism, what intelligence is and how to build synthetic intelligence? Also, consider the human state as a whole.

TLDR: An explanation of why and how things work doesn’t diminish the experience of that being explained. It might even enhance it.

The Plan

Part A: The Plan